
Electricity Market Reform: Capacity Market 2015

Capacity Market will ensure security of electricity supply by providing a payment for reliable sources of capacity.

Part of the government’s Electricity Market Reform package, the Capacity Market will ensure security of electricity supply by providing a payment for reliable sources of capacity, alongside their electricity revenues, to ensure they deliver energy when needed. This will encourage the investment we need to replace older power stations and provide backup for more intermittent and inflexible low carbon generation sources.

The Capacity Market has also been designed to support the development of more active demand management in the electricity market.

This page provides all the information stakeholders need for both the 2015 T-4 auction and the DSR Transitional Arrangements.

Capacity Market Rules and Regulations

Electricity Settlement Company

EMR Settlement Ltd

National Grid


National Grid electricity report

CM auction 2015 final results

The auction monitor has confirmed that actions performed by National Grid as EMR Delivery Body have in all material respects complied with the relevant Capacity Market rules and guidelines. Therefore in accordance with regulation 27 of the Capacity Market Regulations 2014, the Delivery Body have now published the final auction results.

T-4 Capacity Market auction 2015 auction monitor report

Government Response to the House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee Inquiry:The Resilience of the Electricity System

Letter from Amber Rudd to National Grid about the revised auction parameters for the Capacity Market T4 auction and the first transitional arrangement auction

EMR Panel of Technical Experts

EMR Panel of Technical Experts Final Report 2015 on National Grid’s Electricity Capacity Report.

A letter between Ofgem and DECC regarding interconnection and the Capacity Market

Electricity Market Reform: Capacity Market - frequently asked questions 2015

Letter from Amber Rudd about auction paramaters

Letter from Amber Rudd to National Grid about the Capacity Market T4 auction and the first Transitional Arrangement auction.

Letter from Amber Rudd about the Electricity Market Reform capacity market auction 2015

Letter from Amber Rudd about the Electricity Market Reform capacity market auction 2015.

Capacity Market supplementary design proposals and changes to the rules

Capacity Market supplementary design proposals and changes to the rules.

Capacity Market update: de-rating interconnector CMUs

Capacity Market update: de-rating interconnector CMUs.

Consultation on Capacity Market Supplementary Design Proposals and Transitional Arrangements

Consultation on Capacity Market Supplementary Design Proposals and Transitional Arrangements.

Report to Secretary of State - adjustment to demand curve for 2015 T4 auction

Report to Secretary of State - adjustment to demand curve for Early Capacity Auction and 2016 T4 Auction

Updates to this page

Published 29 June 2015
Last updated 2 November 2016 show all updates
  1. Report to Secretary of State - adjustment to demand curve for Early Capacity Auction and 2016 T4 Auction

  2. T-4 Capacity Market auction 2015 auction monitor report.

  3. Capacity market auction results.

  4. Updated documents relating to the Capacity Market.

  5. Electricity market reform: Capacity Market - frequently asked questions 2015 Volume 3

  6. Electricity Market Reform: Capacity Market - frequently asked questions 2015 Volume 2 added.

  7. First published.