Consultation on Capacity Market supplementary design proposals and changes to the rules
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Detail of outcome
This is the government response to the consultation on Capacity Market supplementary design proposals and changes to the Rules published on 12 February and closed on 5 March 2015. This response outlines the government intentions to make two amendments to the Capacity Market regulations, and a number of amendments to the Rules. A full set of revised Rules will be available before the end of March 2015.
Original consultation
Consultation description
DECC is seeking views on a limited range of supplementary design proposals for the Capacity Market. These cover proposals on:
- the definition of double subsidy in regulation 17 of the Regulations to remove the exclusion of organisations in receipt of certain research grants
- the requirements to demonstrate eligibility for refurbishing status during pre-qualification
- the appropriateness of the current tools for ensuring delivery
- the participation of aggregated generation CMUs under 50MW
- the timing of posting credit cover
- other technical amendments which seek to clarify the policy intent