Forestry Commission operations notes (England)
This collection gives woodland owners, managers, forestry agents and timber suppliers in England updates on working with the Forestry Commission.
Updates to this page
Removed 'Amending woodland creation projects: operations note 55', this page has been withdrawn.
Added document: When to convert woods and forests to open habitat: operations note 68.
Added England Woodland Creation Offer 2024 rate uplifts: Operations Note 67.
Added: Operations note 65: Red squirrels and forestry operations in England and Operations note 66: Woodland Creation Planning Grant (WCPG) changes.
Addition of Payment rate revisions for the England Woodland Creation Offer: operations note 64.
Added operations note 63: 'Change in Management Control of Land and Succession Under a HS2 Woodland Fund'.
Addition of: Rules for combining England Woodland Creation Offer payments for woodland creation with other sources of payment for ecosystems services: operations note 62.
Addition of operations note 61.
Operations note 58, 59 and 60 added to the collection
Added operations note 57
Addition of operations notes: Can I move my project from an existing woodland creation scheme to the England Woodland Creation Offer?: operations note 54 Amending woodland creation projects: operations note 55
Addition of: Guidance on cultivation and UKFS compliance for application in England: operations note 53
'Felling licences and Tree Preservation Orders: operations note 52' has been added to this page.
Added Restocking woodland following loss of ash due to ash dieback - operations note 46b
'Restocking felled larch plantations: operations note 24a' has been added to this page.
'Managing ash trees affected by ash dieback: operations note 46a' has been added to this page.
Addition of operations note 51: Highway tree management
Addition of operations note 49 and 50 to the collection.
Addition of Forestry Commission map browser and Land Information Search: operations note 48.
The following Operations note has been added to this collection: Felling Licence Online - user guide: operations note 45
The following operations notes have been added: - Assessment of potential wildfire risk resulting from planned deforestation to open habitat: operations note 40 - Managing ash in woodlands in light of ash dieback: operations note 46 - High Speed 2 (HS2) rail - impacts on woodland management activity: operations note 47
First published.