Goods Vehicle Movement Service
Guidance and tools for the Goods Vehicle Movement Service (GVMS).
About the Goods Vehicle Movement Service
The Goods Vehicle Movement Service brings together multiple declaration reference numbers into a single goods movement reference. This speeds up the clearance of goods through customs.
You will not be able to move goods through ports using the Goods Vehicle Movement Service without a goods movement reference.
If you are a software developer or involved with the software that connects to the Goods Vehicle Movement Service, view the Goods Vehicle Movement Service end-to-end guide on the HMRC Developer Hub.
Moving goods
What you need to do to get goods through customs if you’re using a UK port that uses the Goods Vehicle Movement Service.
Ports and Locations
Check which ports use the Goods Vehicle Movement Service and locations where a declaration will need to be submitted before goods depart for Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales).
Registering for the Goods Vehicle Movement Service
You need to register for the Goods Vehicle Movement Service if you import goods into or export goods from the UK, through a port that uses the Goods Vehicle Movement Service.
Creating and checking a goods movement reference
To move goods through ports using the Goods Vehicle Movement Service you will need a goods movement reference (GMR).
Reporting for an inspection at an Inland Border Facility
Inland border facilities are UK government sites where customs and document checks can take place away from port locations.
Check if you need to report for an inspection, where it will take place and what to do when you attend.
Service availability
Check if there are any issues with the Goods Vehicle Movement Service.