
Government Digital Service privacy notices

See privacy notices for Government Digital Service (GDS) staff tools, as well as communities and networks and government-facing products administered by GDS.

See the full list of public-facing privacy notices for GDS services and products on GDS’s personal information charter.

Internal tools

GDS staff use various tools to carry out their work.

Networks and communities

GDS administers various cross-government networks and communities.

Platforms and products

GDS builds and administers some technology platforms and products for the rest of government. As well as the products below, this also includes:

Updates to this page

Published 12 June 2018
Last updated 20 May 2021 + show all updates
  1. Cross-government communities of practice privacy notice added.

  2. HR and IT platform privacy notices added.

  3. Basecamp privacy notice added.

  4. First published.