Heat networks: guidance for developers and the supply chain
Guidance for heat network developers and those involved in the heat network supply chain.
Below is a repository of relevant guidance documents, commissioned either by DESNZ or the market, that are designed to provide heat network developers, and those involved in the heat network supply chain including technical, financial and legal advisers, with a firm grounding in the sector.
This is aimed primarily to help:
- develop technically and commercially optimised projects accompanied by robust business cases
- understand the potential costs of developing a heat network
- identify and mitigate risks
- identify potential revenue streams
- understanding legal and contractual aspects of developing a heat network
- unlock projects to wider investors
We will continue to develop guidance where issues are identified. If there are areas you believe require specific attention please get in touch: hndu@energysecurity.gov.uk.
Updates to this page
Published 17 July 2018Last updated 29 January 2025 + show all updates
Published 'Sewer heat recovery: exclusion zone guidance methodology'.
Added Heat network template financial model.
Whole life cost of energy calculator added.
Standardised Due Diligence Set (SDDS) for heat networks added.
First published.