Heat networks pipelines
An overview of current and planned heat networks projects and procurements, including those supported by government funding.
Government supports the growth of the UK heat networks market as a crucial part of the UK’s heat decarbonisation journey. Providing accurate information on the market and signposting upcoming projects to investors is essential for developers and other partners within the heat networks supply chain.
These pipelines contain overviews of projects and upcoming procurements that are currently being supported by government. We provide the most up-to-date information available to us, but it represents a single point in time, typically a quarterly extract or consultant’s report (the year data is received is noted).
Attached documents:
- the Project Pipeline shows a broad overview of government supported projects, brings together heat network investment opportunities in England and Wales. It includes one page summaries of each project that includes a project description and other data including forecast financial information
- the Procurement Pipeline provides information about upcoming procurement opportunities on heat networks projects supported by government funding and projects by HeatNIC members
- the Heat Networks Planning Database (HNPD) provides a picture of heat network deployment across the UK based on planning applications. It tracks the progress of projects through multiple stages including inception, planning, construction, operation and decommissioning. This interactive map of the HNPD data shows the geographical spread of heat network projects
Through publishing these documents, we aim to:
- provide an overview of the pipeline of the heat networks projects across England and Wales
- enable potential sources of finance to assess the scale of the sector
- facilitate conversations
- enable new finance to enter the sector
If you’re an investor or new entrant and would like further information or if you would like to provide feedback on how we could improve these documents, please contact us at heatnetworks@energysecurity.gov.uk using Heat Networks pipelines in the title.
For the Heat Networks Planning Database, if you have information about a heat network scheme not included in the database, spot any inaccuracies, or have any feedback, please let us know by email to HNPD.enquiries@energysecurity.gov.uk.
Updates to this page
Updated Heat Networks Planning Database (HNPD) with November 2024 - January 2025 version.
Published the project pipeline and the project pipeline summary for July to September (Q3) 2024.
Updated Heat Networks Planning Database (HNPD) with August to October 2024 version.
Updated Heat Networks Planning Database (HNPD) with May to July 2024 version.
Updated Heat Networks Planning Database (HNPD) with February to April 2024 versions.
Added Project pipeline and summary: October - December (Q4) 2023.
We have published the Heat Networks Planning Database, Quarter 4, October 2023 to January 2024.
Added Heat networks project pipeline July - September (Q3) 2023.
Added the Heat Networks Planning Database (HNPD): July - September 2023.
Added 2023 Q2 Heat network project and procurement pipelines.
We have published the Heat Networks Planning Database, Quarter 2, April to June 2023.
Heat networks project pipeline and summary: January to March 2023 (Q1) added.
Published the Heat Networks Planning Database April 2023.
Heat networks project and procurement pipelines, October to December 2022 added.
Heat Networks Planning Database updated with Q4 2022 data.
Procurement Pipeline: July - September (Q3) 2022, Project Pipeline: July - September (Q3) 2022 and Project Pipeline summary: July - September (Q3) added.
Heat networks planning database October 2022 published.
Procurement Pipeline: April - June (Q2) 2022, Project Pipeline: April - June (Q2) 2022 and Project Pipeline summary: April - June (Q2) 2022 added.
Heat Networks Planning Database July 2022 published.
Heat networks project pipeline: January to March 2022 (Q1) added.
First published.