
Housing supply: indicators of new supply statistics

This collection brings together all documents relating to housing supply: indicators of new supply statistics.

The national statistics on housing supply: indicators of new supply are released every 3 months.

From 30 September 2020 the title of the release changed from ‘House building: new build dwellings’ to ‘Housing supply: indicators of new supply’.

MHCLG has produced a one page guide to housing statistics which shows users how these figures relate to other releases.

The quarterly publication consists of a report and a set of accompanying excel data tables detailing key high level changes since the previous quarter. The tables and report are together known as the statistical release and are always listed at the top, with the most recent first.

The new data published in the release are also incorporated into the detailed data tables (known as ‘live tables’) which provide further breakdowns, including house building statistics for local authorities. There are also tables with data on house building going back further in time than the tables forming part of the release.

The live tables also incorporate revisions if improved information is provided at a later date and will always contain the latest data, whereas previous statistical releases are not revised in the light of new data, but left as they were at publication.

Local authorities compiling this data or other interested parties may wish to see notes and definitions for house building, which includes P2 guidance notes.


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Live tables

Updates to this page

Published 15 August 2013
Last updated 27 March 2025
  1. Added Housing supply: indicators of new supply, England: October to December 2024.

  2. Added Housing supply: indicators of new supply, England: July to September 2024.

  3. Added Housing supply: indicators of new supply, England: April to June 2024.

  4. Added Housing supply: indicators of new supply, England: January to March 2024.

  5. Added Housing supply: indicators of new supply, England: October to December 2023.

  6. Added Housing supply: indicators of new supply, England: July to September 2023.

  7. Added Housing supply: indicators of new supply, England: April to June 2023.

  8. Added Housing supply: indicators of new supply, England: January to March 2023.

  9. Added Housing supply: indicators of new supply, England: October to December 2022.

  10. Added Housing supply: indicators of new supply, England: July to September 2022.

  11. Added Housing supply: indicators of new supply, England: April to June 2022.

  12. Added Housing supply: indicators of new supply, England: January to March 2022.

  13. Added Housing supply: indicators of new supply, England: October to December 2021.

  14. Added Housing supply: indicators of new supply, England: July to September 2021

  15. Added Housing supply: indicators of new supply, England: April to July 2021.

  16. Added Housing supply: indicators of new supply, England: January to March 2021.

  17. Added Housing supply: indicators of new supply, England: October to December 2020.

  18. Added Housing supply: indicators of new supply, England: July to September 2020.

  19. Added Housing supply: indicators of new supply, England: January to June 2020.

  20. Added House building: new build dwellings, England: October to December 2019

  21. Added House building: new build dwellings, England: July to September 2019.

  22. Added House building: new build dwellings, England: April to June 2019

  23. Added House building: new build dwellings, England: January to March 2019.

  24. Added House building: new build dwellings, England: October to December 2018.

  25. Added House building: new build dwellings, England: July to September 2018

  26. Added 'House building: new build dwellings, England: April to June 2018'.

  27. Renamed page to House building: new build dwellings.

  28. Added House building in England: October to December 2014.

  29. Added House building in England: July to September 2014.

  30. Added House building in England: April to June 2014.

  31. Added House building in England: January to March 2014

  32. Added House building in England: October to December 2013.

  33. Added House building in England: July to September 2013

  34. First published.