
Improving infrastructure delivery and performance

How the Infrastructure and Projects Authority works with industry to improve the delivery and performance of infrastructure

The Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA) works with industry to improve the delivery and performance of infrastructure.

We do this through groups such as the Infrastructure Client Group and Construction Leadership Council, tools such as the Project Initiation Routemap and the Government Construction Strategy which seeks to increase productivity in government construction. The strategy aims to deliver £1.7 billion efficiencies and support 20,000 apprenticeships over the course of this parliament.

The IPA has published its latest programme, Transforming Infrastructure Performance: Roadmap to 2030, which describes a vision for the future in which we prioritise the outcomes we need, and use modern digital approaches and technologies, to achieve them.

Transforming Infrastructure Performance

Infrastructure Cost Review

Government Construction Strategy

Project Initiation Routemap and Project Development Routemap

Updates to this page

Published 15 July 2014
Last updated 13 September 2021 show all updates
  1. Addition of Transforming Infrastructure Performance Roadmap to 2030

  2. Added benchmarking capability tool

  3. Best practice in benchmarking added to collection

  4. Publication of Case Study: Benchmarking tunnelling costs and production rates in the UK under Transforming Infrastructure Performance

  5. Link to 'Transforming Infrastructure Performance' added

  6. First published.