Independent providers of NHS services: documents and guidance
Guidance and information for independent providers of NHS healthcare services.
Independent provider bulletins
Newsletters sent to licensed independent providers of NHS healthcare services.
Monitoring and enforcement
If you don’t comply with a condition of your licence, or if you provide NHS services without a licence when you should have one, Monitor can take action against you.
Procurement, choice and competition
Monitor’s role is to make sure that procurement, choice and competition operate in the best interests of patients and to step in if anti-competitive behaviour by NHS commissioners or providers goes against patients’ interests.
The NHS payment system
Monitor and NHS England invite you to take part in shaping the development of the NHS payment system. You should read these guidance documents.
You can find out more in this collection of publications on the payment system.
Integrated care
Integrated care is ‘joined-up’ care that helps organisations work across traditional boundaries to provide care and support that meets the needs of patients and service users.
Developing your strategy
You can request joining our LinkedIn Strategy and Development Planning group to discuss management issues and best practice.
About Monitor
Updates to this page
Added an update on the tariff arrangements for 2015/16.
Bulletins now grouped by year.
The first edition of the Independent Provider Bulletin has now been issued.
Added further clarification on who may comment on the consultation on the proposals for the 2015/16 National Tariff Payment System.
We've added new guidance on mergers and transactions to the collection.
Add the NHS National Tariff Payment System 2015/16: engagement documents
First published.