
Infectious diseases in pregnancy screening: clinical guidance

Information for healthcare professionals providing the NHS infectious diseases in pregnancy screening (IDPS) programme.

These documents explain the procedures for providing NHS Infectious Diseases in Pregnancy Screening (IDPS) in England to ensure services meet national standards.

Programme pathway

Programme guidance

Hepatitis B: information on antenatal screening and neonatal immunisation

Information for health professionals to deliver the:

  • NHS IDPS care pathway for women screening positive for hepatitis B in pregnancy
  • PHE immunisation pathway for infants at risk of perinatal transmission of hepatitis B

The link to the hepatitis B antenatal screening and selective neonatal immunisation guidance includes the clinical pathways.

Further information about the characteristics, diagnosis, management and epidemiology of hepatitis B is available via the hepatitis B: guidance, data and analysis collection page.

See below for a list of resources for midwives.

HIV and syphilis information for screen positive women

These leaflets explain to women with HIV or syphilis about their screening result. Healthcare professionals and women can refer to these to learn about the conditions and to discuss their result and follow-on care.

Letter templates

KPIs and data submission

The national quality assurance team uses KPIs to measure the performance of the antenatal and newborn screening programmes. Following the KPIs and standards for each programme ensures that all women receive an equitable screening experience.

Updates to this page

Published 2 March 2016
Last updated 13 April 2023 + show all updates
  1. Syphilis: managing infection in pregnancy added under the programme guidance section

  2. Added infectious diseases in pregnancy screening: care pathway.

  3. Added a link to the hepatitis B antenatal screening and selective neonatal immunisation guidance pathways.

  4. Added a Hepatitis B section with links to supporting information.

  5. New 2016 to 2017 IDPS programme handbook and updated 2016 to 2017 IDPS laboratory handbook uploaded

  6. Added leaflets explaining the screening results for hepatitis B, HIV and syphilis.

  7. First published.