NHS population screening: reporting data definitions
An explanation of the key performance indicators (KPIs) for NHS population screening in England.
Applies to England
These documents specify key performance indicators (KPIs) for the NHS population screening programmes in England and have an implementation date of 1 April 2020.
They include information on the purpose of KPIs and a KPI index.
guidance on submitting abdominal aortic aneurysm screening KPI data
guidance on submitting antenatal and newborn blood spot screening KPI data
Contact the PHE Screening helpdesk with any queries about this publication, making sure you include its full title.
Updates to this page
Added DE4 (DES-S08): uptake: repeat non-attenders section to the Index of KPI's HTML page.
Updated KPI definitions documents.
Added new HTML KPI definition document.
Removal of html glossary attachment, which has been moved to: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/nhs-population-screening-glossary-of-terms.
Added 'Screening KPI definitions: glossary of terms'.
Uploading 2017 to 2018 KPI definitions document.
PHE screening key performance indicators for 2016 to 2017 added.
Removed 2014 to 15 performance indicators document
First published.