Insolvency Service Enforcement Outcomes
This collection brings together the Insolvency Service's Official Statistics publications on outcomes resulting from the enforcement activities of the Insolvency Service.
This Official Statistics publication was discontinued following the 11 August 2023 update to the 2023/24 tables. To continue to meet user needs, management information tables covering key statistics on Insolvency Service enforcement outcomes are published monthly. Further information on the enforcement outcomes of the Insolvency Service can be found in the Corporate Scorecard, which is updated quarterly.
The Insolvency Service sought views on proposed changes to Official Statistics publications during a consultation open from 16 May to 30 June 2023. The consultation included a proposal to discontinue the monthly and annual Insolvency Service Enforcement Outcomes publications. No respondents objected to the termination of this Official Statistics publication. A full response to this consultation will be published in the near future.
These statistics releases contain the latest data on new outcomes obtained as a result of enforcement activities of the Insolvency Service. They include: disqualifications of company directors; companies wound up in the public interest; and bankruptcy restrictions and experimental statistics on outcomes of criminal charges.
Updates to this page
Added link to new Enforcement Outcomes management information
Added notice relating to discontinuation of this Official Statistics publication
2023/24 year to date data tables added. Also, added a link to a consultation relating to the future of this Official Statistics publication.
Information about a user survey removed
Information added about user survey
2022/23 monthly data tables added
2021/22 publication added to the collection
update to monthly statistics.
Update of monthly statistics
2018/19 page added.
First published.