Insolvency Service Official Statistics
This page provides information about the Insolvency Service's official statistics, including details on what is available and when it is released.
In accordance with the plans announced following a user consultation, the monthly and quarterly statistics have been merged as of 26 April 2024, while retaining the monthly frequency.
These new monthly publications contain some additional information that was previously only released quarterly, such as seasonally adjusted numbers and rates of insolvency per 10,000 companies or adults. The publications can be found on the company and individual insolvency statistics releases pages.
Archived monthly publications prior to March 2024 can be found on the Monthly Insolvency Statistics releases page.
Official and National Statistics Publications
Publication schedule
Individual Insolvency Statistics Releases
Our Individual Insolvency Statistics Releases include:
- Individual Insolvency Statistics published two or three weeks after the end of each month
- Individual Insolvencies by Location, Age and Gender statistics published annually in March or April, and
- Individual Voluntary Arrangement Outcomes and Providers statistics published annually in February or March.
Company Insolvency Statistics Releases
Our Company Insolvency Statistics are published two or three weeks after the end of each month.
Discontinued Official Statistics Publications
Monthly Insolvency Statistics Releases
For a period during and after the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, a Monthly Insolvency Statistics publication was produced, which included information on both individual and company insolvency. Following a consultation, the monthly and quarterly insolvency statistics were merged, with monthly statistics remaining a permanent feature. The monthly publication is now split into company and individual insolvency statistics. The first release in this new format was published on 26 April 2024.
Historic monthly publications remain available.
Insolvency Service Enforcement Outcomes
The Insolvency Service Enforcement Outcomes official statistics were discontinued following the release of monthly tables on 11 August 2023.
Management Information on Insolvency Service Enforcement Outcomes
To continue to meet user needs following the discontinuation of the Enforcement Outcomes official statistics, management information tables covering key statistics on Insolvency Service enforcement outcomes are published monthly.
User Requested Statistics and Datasets
Additional user-requested datasets in response to Freedom of Information requests can be found online, for example at Insolvency Service FOI responses: October to December 2021.
Policies and procedures
Details of policies and procedures relating to the production of Insolvency Service statistics, such as our revisions policy and seasonal adjustment methodology, can be found in our Policy and Procedure documents.
Contact us
Archive statistics
- Statistics published before 2014 (National Archives website), including data back to 1960 for some insolvency types.
Related statistics
The Accountant in Bankruptcy produces quarterly Official Statistics on company and individual insolvencies in Scotland, some of which are incorporated into the Insolvency Service’s monthly Individual Insolvency Statistics publication.
Companies House produces quarterly statistics on corporate insolvencies and dissolutions. It also produces annual statistics on the number of directors disqualified.
The Office for National Statistics produces annual statistics on business deaths in its Business Demography publication. These statistics relate to all registered businesses, whereas Insolvency Statistics relate to companies on the Companies House register.
The Ministry of Justice produces quarterly National Statistics on civil court insolvency petitions.
Policy and procedures
Updates to this page
Updated to reflect changes to Insolvency Service statistics publications, including the merging of the monthly and quarterly insolvency statistics.
Added link to new management information for Insolvency Service Enforcement Outcomes
Updated with details of the response to the consultation on Official Statistics.
Added an an update relating to the consultation on changes to Official Statistics, which closed on 30 June, including information about the termination of the Enforcement Outcomes statistics.
Added link to consultation on changes to Insolvency Service Official Statistics
Information added about user survey
Updated text, including restructuring to make it clearer what is available and adding link to FOI request responses
Added in information on COVID-19 and link to our new monthly statistics.
Small update to lay out of the page
Update to lay out of page
Update of body to include statistics survey
Insolvency Service Enforcement Outcomes Monthly data tables: January 2017 have been added.
New statistics released
Regional statistics added for 2015
Monthly enforcement data tables have been added for October
Insolvency Statistics July to September 2016
September tables added
Insolvency Service Enforcement Outcomes Monthly data tables for August added
Insolvency Service Enforcement Outcomes Monthly data tables: July 2016 added
Quarterly statistics - April to June 2016 have been added.
Individual Insolvencies by location, age and gender, England and Wales 2015 has been added
New documents added
Insolvency Service Enforcement Outcomes (Experimental Statistics): July to September 2015, were added.
Enforcement outcomes April to June 2015 published
Added note on forthcoming change to statistical methods
April to June official statistics added
User engagement feedback added
Added Insolvency Statistics: Methodology Consultation
Minor textual changes, adding reference to experimental enforcement statistics.
Insolvency Statistics: January to March 2015
Statistics for October to December 2014 (Q4) have been added
First published.