Accredited official statistics

Company Insolvency Statistics: July to September 2022

Statistics on new company insolvencies in England and Wales, and related statistics for Scotland and Northern Ireland


Infographic - Company Insolvency Statistics July to September 2022

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Data Tables in Excel (xlsx) Format - Company Insolvency Statistics: July to September 2022

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Data Tables in OpenDocument Spreadsheet (ods) Format - Company Insolvency Statistics: July to September 2022

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Metadata for Long-Run Series in CSV Format - Company Insolvency Statistics July to September 2022

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Long-Run Series in CSV Format - Company Insolvency Statistics July to September 2022

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Industry Tables in Excel (xlsx) Format - Company Insolvency Statistics July to September 2022

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Industry Tables in Open Document (ods) Format - Company Insolvency Statistics July to September 2022

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Record-level data for England, Wales and Scotland - Company Insolvency Statistics July to September 2022

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  • Between 1 July and 30 September 2022 (Q3 2022), there were 5,595 (seasonally adjusted) registered company insolvencies, comprising 4,800 creditors’ voluntary liquidations (CVLs), 492 compulsory liquidations, 274 administrations and 29 company voluntary arrangements (CVAs). There were no receivership appointments.

  • After seasonal adjustment, the number of company insolvencies in Q3 2022 was 1% lower than in Q2 2022 but 40% higher than in Q3 2021. The number of CVLs remained close to the highest quarterly level since the start of the series in 1960 (Q2 2022). The number of compulsory liquidations also increased to the highest quarterly number since the start of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, but remained lower than pre-pandemic levels.

  • One in 213 active companies (at a rate of 46.9 per 10,000 active companies) entered liquidation between 1 October 2021 and 30 September 2022. This was an increase from the 29.3 per 10,000 active companies that entered liquidation in the 12 months ending 30 September 2021.

Published 28 October 2022