
Intergovernmental relations

Documents relating to engagement between the UK government and the devolved administrations.

This page hosts content about engagement between the 4 administrations of the UK.

The review of intergovernmental relations

The review of intergovernmental relations (IGR) was undertaken jointly by the UK Government and the devolved administrations to update intergovernmental structures. Its conclusions were published in 2022.

Memorandum of Understanding

The current Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the UK Government (UKG) and the devolved administrations (DAs) of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland was first agreed in 1999, and most recently updated in October 2013. It sets out the principles that support relations between all four administrations, stressing good communication, consultation and cooperation.

The Intergovernmental Relations Secretariat

The Intergovernmental Relations Secretariat was established as part of the Review of Intergovernmental Relations. The Intergovernmental Relations Secretariat is impartial and promotes efficient and effective intergovernmental relations between the UK, Welsh and Scottish Governments and the Northern Ireland Executive.

Transparency Reports on Intergovernmental Relations

This page contains the UK government’s reports on intergovernmental relations in line with our transparency commitments.

Annual Transparency Reports

COVID-19 engagement

Documents relating to engagement between the Minister for Intergovernmental Relations and the devolved administrations on COVID-19.

Prime Minister and Heads of Devolved Governments Council

Documents relating to the Prime Minister and Heads of Devolved Governments Council.

Interministeral Standing Committee

The Interministerial Standing Committee brings together strategic considerations affecting many different portfolios and discusses cross-cutting international issues. It is led by the relevant ministers from the four governments of the UK with responsibility for intergovernmental relations.

Finance: Interministerial Standing Committee

The aim of the Finance: Interministerial Standing Committee is to consider the impact of economic and finance matters affecting the UK. F:ISC members are the Chief Secretary to the Treasury from the UK Government and finance ministers from the devolved governments.

Interministerial Group for Business and Industry

Ministers from the 4 UK administrations meet regularly to discuss issues relating to business and industry.

Interministerial Group for Education

Ministers from the four governments of the UK meet regularly to discuss issues relating to Education.

Interministerial Group for Elections and Registration

The aim of the Interministerial Group (IMG) for Elections and Registration is to consider issues relating to elections and electoral registration policy across the UK. It is led by the relevant Ministers from across the UK with election policy in their portfolio.

Interministerial Group for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Documents from the Interministerial Group for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Ministers from the 4 UK administrations meet regularly to discuss issues relating to the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Interministerial Group for Housing, Communities and Local Government

Documents from the Interministerial Group for Housing, Communities and Local Government. Ministers from the four UK administrations meet regularly to discuss issues relating to the housing, communities and local government.

Interministerial Group for Net Zero, Energy and Climate Change

Documents from the Interministerial Group for Net Zero, Energy and Climate Change. The group promotes the decarbonisation of the UK economy and supports the successful delivery of the UK’s domestic and international climate targets.

Interministerial Group for Safety, Security and Migration

The aim of the Interministerial Group (IMG) for Safety, Security and Migration is to enhance intergovernmental working between the Home Office and the devolved governments of the UK. The IMG will complement existing channels of communication and engagement.

Interministerial Group for Tourism

The Devolved Administrations’ (DAs) Interministerial Group (IMG) for Tourism is a multilateral forum which will seek to support effective engagement between the UK government and the DAs through the sharing of knowledge and information relating to tourism policy development.

Interministerial Group for Trade

Documents from the Interministerial Group for Trade. Ministers from the UK government and devolved administrations meet regularly to discuss issues relating to the UK’s international trade agenda.

Interministerial Group for Transport Matters

Ministers from the 4 UK administrations meet regularly to discuss issues relating to transport.

Interministerial Group on UK-EU Relations

The Interministerial Group on UK-EU Relations provides a ministerial forum to discuss matters relating to the UK’s withdrawal and trade and cooperation deals with the European Union.

DWP and Welsh Government Interministerial Group on Work and Pensions

The Interministerial Group for Work and Pensions is a forum for the UK Government and Welsh Government to discuss matters relating to employment, disability, social security, child maintenance and pensions.

COP26 DA Ministerial Group

Ministers from all 4 UK administrations met regularly to ensure effective engagement and collaboration on the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 26).

Joint Ministerial Working Group on Welfare

The Joint Ministerial Working Group is established to provide a forum for discussion and decision-making to ensure the implementation of welfare-related aspects of the Smith Commission Report.

The Joint Ministerial Committee

Prior to the review of intergovernmental relations, the Joint Ministerial Committee (JMC) was the primary committee structure for Ministers from the UK Government and the devolved administrations to engage. It met in various formats including Plenary and various subcommittees. These documents outline its activities.

Interministerial Group for Justice

Culture and Creative Industries Inter-Ministerial Group

The Culture and Creative Industries Inter-Ministerial Group supports effective engagement and collaboration in areas of shared interest between the portfolio ministers leading on culture and creative industries policy within the 4 UK governments.

Interministerial Group for Health and Social Care

The aim of the Interministerial Group (IMG) for Health and Social Care is to enhance intergovernmental working between the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and the devolved governments of the UK. The IMG complements existing channels of communication and engagement between the department and devolved governments.

Updates to this page

Published 10 November 2020
Last updated 7 March 2025 + show all updates
  1. Added the publication 'Interministerial Group for Health and Social Care: communiqués'.

  2. Added a link to the pages: Communiqués from the Interministerial Standing Committee: August 2024 – Present

  3. Updated the section: Interministerial Group on UK-EU Relations

  4. Interministerial Group for Business and Industry: terms of reference (2025) link added to Interministerial Group for Business and Industry section.

  5. Added Inter-Ministerial Group for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs communiqués, 16 September 2024.

  6. Added Prime Minister and Heads of Devolved Governments Council communiqué 11 October 2024.

  7. Added Culture and Creative Industries Inter-Ministerial Group.

  8. Added Intergovernmental Relations Annual Report 2023.

  9. Information on Interministerial Group on UK-EU Relations added.

  10. Added DWP and Welsh Government Interministerial Group on Work and Pensions.

  11. Added The Intergovernmental Relations Secretariat.

  12. Addition of link to Communiqués and Terms of Reference from the Interministerial Group for Justice in the section headed 'Inteministerial Group for Justice'.

  13. Added Intergovernmental Relations Review Annual Report for 2022.

  14. Added communiqué from the Interministerial Group for Safety, Security and Migration.

  15. Added a link to the page: Prime Minister and Heads of Devolved Governments Council extended communiqué: 10 November 2022

  16. Addition of link to Communiqués from the Interministerial Group for Trade in the section headed 'Interministerial Group for Trade'.

  17. Added a new section: Prime Minister and Heads of Devolved Governments Council Also added a link to a new page: Prime Minister and Heads of Devolved Governments Council

  18. Addition of link to Interministerial Group for Trade.

  19. Added section for the Interministerial Group for Housing, Communities and Local Government.

  20. Added the Intergovernmental Relations Review Annual Report for 2021.

  21. Added Intergovernmental Relations Review Annual Report for 2021.

  22. Added the Terms of Reference and communique for the Finance: Interministerial Standing Committee.

  23. Added new sections about the Interministerial Standing Committee and the Interministerial Group for Education.

  24. Added Terms of Reference and Communiques page for the Interministerial Group on Business and Industry.

  25. The review of intergovernmental relations was added to this collections page.

  26. Added Interministerial Group for Tourism.

  27. Adding the communiqué from the latest meeting of the Prime Minister with the First Ministers and deputy First Minister of the devolved governments on 18 October 2021

  28. Updated to include terms of reference and communiqués for the Interministerial Group for Net Zero, Energy and Climate Change.

  29. Added the Joint Ministerial Working Group on Welfare

  30. New documents added: the intergovernmental relations quarterly report and progress update on the review of intergovernmental relations

  31. Updated to include a link to the 'Updates related to UK Government and devolved administration engagement on COVID-19' webpage.

  32. Added new group for documents relating to the COP26 Devolved Administrations Ministerial Group

  33. Updated to include joint statement Rules on travel over the Christmas Period under Covid 19 engagement.

  34. Updated to include Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and First Ministers Call communiqué on the 6 January 2020

  35. Updated to include Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and First Ministers Call communiqué

  36. Updated to include a ministerial statement of 10 November 2020 that announced the creation of the IGR GOV.UK.

  37. First published.