Devolution: Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
Content relating to devolution of powers in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
This page hosts content relating to devolution of powers to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and intergovernmental working between the different governments of the UK. Devolution is where powers previously held centrally, in this case by the UK Parliament and government, are statutorily granted to the devolved legislatures and government in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Devolution of powers to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
This page provides a brief background to devolution and explains how the different devolved legislatures and governments in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland work.
Devolution settlements
These pages outline the history and details of the devolution settlements in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Devolution information
This page provides devolution guidance, links to the civil service codes and contact details of devolution capability teams in each UK government department and devolved government.
Intergovernmental relations
This page hosts information about engagement between the UK government and the devolved governments.
UK Common Frameworks
This page hosts UK government publications relating to the UK Common Frameworks programme.
Devolution guidance notes
The devolution guidance notes (DGNs) set out advice on working arrangements between the UK government and the devolved administrations.