Knowledge resources
Collection of training e-seminars and knowledge resources produced by the Government Chemist team
This collection of documents provides access to e-learning and knowledge resources produced by the Government Chemist team alone or in collaboration with others.
Some of the resources linked in this collection have been developed as an outcome of the Joint Knowledge Transfer Partnership agreed by the BEIS (GC), Defra, FSA and FSS to address topics common to their stakeholders in a coherent and cohesive manner.
Updates to this page
Two new e-seminars have been added to the knowledge resources: - Introduction to databases for non-targeted, multianalyte analytical methods - Introduction to IRMS for food authenticity
Three new e-seminars and recordings have been added to the collection
A new e-seminar: Screening for GMOs in consignments of rice and rice products originating from China
The "Global Honey Supply Chain" e-seminar has been added to the list
New e-seminar added to the collection
First published.