Lasting and enduring powers of attorney forms
Create, register, object to or disclaim a lasting power of attorney or enduring power of attorney.
You can also use the lasting power of attorney service to create an LPA online. It’s easier and prevents many common mistakes.
See these publications in Welsh (Cymraeg).
Make and register a lasting power of attorney
Use these forms and guidance to make and register a property and financial affairs lasting power of attorney (LPA) or a health and welfare LPA.
Register an enduring power of attorney
Use these forms to register an enduring power of attorney (EPA) if the person who made it (the ‘donor’) has lost or is losing mental capacity.
Power of attorney fees
Use these forms if you need help in paying the fee because you have a low income or get certain means-tested benefits.
Object to registration of a lasting or enduring power of attorney
Use these forms to object to the registration of an LPA or an EPA.
Disclaim a lasting power of attorney
Use this form if you have been appointed as an attorney under an LPA but you now want to give up that role.