Applying for a reduced fee for your power of attorney
Apply to pay less to register a lasting or enduring power of attorney.
Applies to England and Wales
You can apply to pay less to register a lasting power of attorney (LPA) or an enduring power of attorney (EPA).
Use this form if you need help with the:
- £82 application fee to register an LPA or EPA
- £41 repeat application fee to register an LPA or EPA
If the person who made the LPA or EPA (the ‘donor’) receives certain means-tested benefits when you apply to register it, you won’t have to pay anything – this is called an ‘exemption’.
The benefits are listed in the form above.
If the donor’s income before tax is less than £12,000 a year, you’ll only have to pay half – this is known as a ‘50% remission’.
The form also explains how and when to pay the fees.
Alternative formats
You can email to get the document in large print. Include your address and telephone number.
Personal information
The Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) is committed to the responsible handling and security of your personal information.
Your privacy is important to us and protected in law by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA).
Updates to this page
Changed the titles of the page and documents within to make it clearer on what they relate to. English and Welsh updated.
Removed reference to braille and audio versions of this form - we don't have them. Added 'personal information' text to Welsh language version
Change to debit and credit card payments
Added 'Personal information' section.
Added translation
Changed fee levels on documents
Updated text to explain in more detail how exemptions and remissions apply.
Replaced LPA120 form to reflect new power of attorney application fees from 1 October 2013
Details of application fees added to page description, including information about fee changes on 1 October 2013.
First published.