
Licensing of taxis and PHVs for local authorities in England

Taxi and private hire vehicle licensing information and guidance for local authorities.

Local licensing authorities in England need to make sure that taxis and private hire vehicle (PHV) services are safe and accessible for all passengers.

This information is for all licensing authorities in England to support them in ensuring that their local taxi and PHV licensing regime fosters safe and accessible services for all passengers.

The Department for Transport (DfT) publishes taxi and private hire vehicle statistics that provide information on the number of licensed vehicles in England, including those designed to be accessible for disabled people.

DfT also annually publishes statistics and data about transport related disability and accessibility in England.

Taxi and PHV licensing policy

Passenger accessibility and safety

Electric and zero emission vehicles

Updates to this page

Published 30 September 2022
Last updated 9 December 2022 show all updates
  1. Added link to Rights of disabled passengers on transport.

  2. First published.