
LinkAge Plus

This series brings together all documents relating to LinkAge Plus

The LinkAge Plus pilots ran from 2006 to 2008 in Devon, Gateshead, Gloucestershire, Lancashire, Leeds, Nottinghamshire, Salford and Tower Hamlets. They brought local authorities together with their partners in health and the voluntary and community sector to explore new ways to improve local services for older people. This included providing access to all services through a number of points of contact such as in person, by phone, electronic or paper communications.

The pilots all used an approach based on:

  • consultation with older people
  • addressing the needs and aspirations of current and future generations of older people
  • access for an increasing range of customers, including hard-to-reach
  • promoting independence, well-being and an active older age
  • working with partner organisations


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Published 15 April 2013