
UKCES local labour market intelligence (LMI)

Employment and skills data from core UKCES products at a local level.

The documents on this page provide local level analyses of the main labour market information products available from the UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES). This includes a set of short summary reports for the 39 LEP areas.

Guidance and support

Accompanying the guidance documents below, we have produced two videos demonstrating the principles of how to turn information into intelligence. The first is an introduction to a framework for UKCES Labour Market Intelligence and the second discusses how to apply this at a local level.

Local Enterprise Partnership Reports

A series of reports providing a summary of key findings from UKCES’ major LMI products for each Local Enterprise Partnership in England. These reports draw out specific local data findings from key UKCES research products, drawing together data from Working Futures, the Employer Skills Survey and the Employer Perspectives Survey.

Employer Skills Survey

The Employer Skills Survey 2015 provides a comprehensive UK-wide picture of employers’ skills needs and investment in training. The survey provides information on demand for skills, including vacancies, skills shortages, employee skill gaps and the underutilisation of employees in the workplace. Over 91,000 employers were interviewed for the survey. This allows us to produce robust LMI at a local level. Data from the survey is also available for 2013 and 2011. If you have specific queries please email

Employer Perspectives Survey

The Employer Perspectives Survey 2014 provides a comprehensive UK-wide picture of how employers are meeting their skills and recruitment needs, looking both at their engagement with skills and employment services and their broader approaches to people development. It also includes valuable information on provision of work experience, work inspiration activities and apprenticeships. Over 18,000 employers were interviewed for the survey. This allows us to produce robust LMI at a local level. If you have specific queries that are not covered in the guidance please email

Working Futures

Working Futures is the most detailed and comprehensive forecasting model of the UK labour market available. The main focus is on forecasting likely future demand for skills, as measured by projected occupational growth, demand for qualifications and a detailed analysis of economic and employment growth prospects by industry and geographical area. Data is available here by nation. For data at sub-regional level (including local enterprise partnership level) please email

Regional LMI Presentations

UKCES has developed a set of nine regional presentation decks. These are primarily aimed at those working in education and provide a selection of findings from our core LMI products across nine regions.

Updates to this page

Published 5 February 2013
Last updated 10 December 2015 show all updates
  1. New LEP summary reports available.

  2. First published.