Migrant health guide
Advice and guidance on the health needs of migrant patients for healthcare practitioners.
Countries A to Z
Find country-specific information relevant to migrant health on the Countries A to Z page of the migrant health guide.
Access to healthcare
Assessing and treating patients
Vulnerable migrant groups
Communicable diseases
For any conditions not listed here, see the UK Government National Archives for a copy of the communicable diseases list.
Outbreak management
Non-communicable diseases
Updates to this page
Added "Skin lesions in newly arrived migrants".
The survey inviting feedback on the Migrant Health Guide has been removed because the deadline has passed.
The deadline for responses to feedback on the migrant health guide, Friday 29 September 2023, has been added to the page.
The COVID-19 page has been moved to the 'Communicable diseases' section of this Collections page.
A link to a feedback survey on the migrant health guide has been added to the top of the page
A new diphtheria guidance page has been added to the 'Communicable diseases' section of the Migrant Health Guide.
Added a link to 'Outbreak management in short term asylum seeker accommodation' to the outbreak management section.
Link to Roma health guidance has been added to Vulnerable migrant groups section
Temporarily removing information on the National Asylum Seekers Health Steering Group to correct formatting.
Creation of new page for the National Asylum Seekers Health Steering Group.
Added new 'Social prescribing: migrant health guide'.
First published.