
Military Aviation Authority certification

Information about MAA certification which ensures that an air system's design meets appropriate safety requirements.

To ensure that an Air System’s design meets appropriate safety requirements, a systematic, independent certification process is required for both new types of military registered Air Systems and for major changes to existing designs.

6 Phase Approach

The Military Air Systems Certification Process (MACP) certifies new UK military registered Air Systems and major changes to the type design of new and in-service Air Systems.

The MACP comprises 6 phases, some of which may run concurrently. You can view the 6 Phase Approach document below.

Outcomes of the MACP

The potential outcomes of the MACP are shown below

Change Type Approach MACP Output Comment
New air system Full MACP Military Type Certificate (MTC) Covers whole a/c, including engines and propellers
Major change Full MACP Up-issue of type certificate* or issue an Approved Design Change Certificate (ADCC)** *If an MTC already issued; **If an MTC has not been previously issued and changes not extensive enough for an MTC
New air system or major change Tailored MACP Statement of type design assurance Dependent on assurance activities an MTC or ADCC may be issued

Defence Standards

Def Stan 00-970 ‘Design and airworthiness requirements for service aircraft’ is the default certification specification for MOD military registered aircraft.

It is owned and sponsored by the MAA. The ADS team within the Certification division of the MAA are responsible for its content.

It is unrestricted and available in full via the Defence Standards website.

Def Stan 00-972 ‘Military air traffic management equipment safety and performance standards’ is the default certification specification for MOD ATM Equipment.

It is owned and sponsored by the MAA and is unrestricted and available in full via the Defence Standards website.

Defence Standards amendments

Notifications of Proposed Amendments (NPAs) to Defence Standard 00-970 are available on the Def Stan 970 amendments page.

Air traffic management (ATM) equipment certification

Certification requirements for ATM equipment can be found here.

Notifications of Proposed Amendments (NPAs) to Defence Standard 00-972 ‘military air traffic management equipment safety and performance standards’ are available on the Def Stan 972 amendments page.


For further information please contact the Certification Division:

MAA Certification
Juniper 1, #5004
Abbey Wood North
BS34 8QW


Defence Standards (Def Stan)

Ageing aircraft programmes working group (AAPWG)

Military aircraft structural airworthiness advisory group (MASAAG)

Systems airworthiness advisory group (SAAG)

Updates to this page

Published 8 October 2014
Last updated 29 November 2019 show all updates
  1. The military air systems integrity management: related documents have all been withdrawn as the manual of air system integrity management (MASIM) has been released which replaces them.

  2. The certification division email address has been updated.

  3. The certification page has been updated.

  4. The certification page has been amended: Def Stan 00-972 added and contact details updated.

  5. Page layout updated.

  6. Air traffic management (ATM) equipment certification section added.

  7. Military aircraft structural airworthiness advisory group (MASAAG) papers 105, 116, 118 and 122 have been published.

  8. First published.