
Military aircraft structural airworthiness advisory group (MASAAG) documents

Supporting documentation concerning structural integrity of military aircraft, including papers originating from the MASAAG.



These documents are related to the certification area of the Military Aviation Authority (MAA):

  • MASAAG paper 103: structurally significant items and their use in reliability centred maintenance schedules for british military aircraft
  • MASAAG paper 104: recommendations for the future shape of the ageing aircraft structural audit
  • MASAAG paper 105: reardown inspections, guidance and best practice
  • MASAAG paper 106: repair assessment programme for military transport aircraft
  • MASAAG paper 109: guidance for aircraft operational loads measurement programmes
  • MASAAG paper 116: widespread fatigue damage in military aircraft
  • MASAAG paper 118; the interaction of corrosion and fatigue in aircraft structures
  • MASAAG paper 122: development of a protocol for acceptance of new NDT capability in the air domain
  • MASAAG Paper 123: development, validation, verification and certification of structural health monitoring systems for military aircraft
  • MASAAG Paper 124: guidance note on the qualification and certification of additive manufactured components (3D printing) in the air domain: Dstl update of issue 1
  • Index of historic papers produced by the MASAAG

Should you require access to any papers listed in the index of historic papers produced by the MASAAG, please provide details of your request to

Updates to this page

Published 10 February 2015
Last updated 17 June 2022 show all updates
  1. MASAAG paper 124: guidance note on the qualification and certification of additive manufactured parts for military aviation (issue 2) has been published.

  2. MASAAG paper 103: structurally significant items and their use in reliability centred maintenance schedules for british military aircraft has been published.

  3. MASAAG paper 124 has been added.

  4. MASAAG paper 120: guidance on helicopter operational data recording programmes has been added.

  5. MASAAG paper 123: development, validation, verification and certification of structural health monitoring systems for military aircraft has been updated to issue 2a.

  6. MASAAG papers removed for review by the document owner.

  7. First published.

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