Monthly statistics for adult social care (England)
Official statistics on a range of topics including infection control measures, COVID-19 vaccinations, flu vaccinations and testing for COVID-19 in adult social care settings.
The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) publishes monthly official statistics on adult social care in England, with a focus on the impact of COVID-19. This page brings together all the monthly reports, from May 2021.
The data in these reports has changed over time, and includes:
- first, second and booster (seasonal) doses of COVID-19 vaccinations in social care settings
- flu vaccinations in social care settings (seasonal, from November 2021)
- COVID-19 related staff absence rates in care homes and domiciliary care settings at national, regional and local authority level (from February 2022)
- occupancy levels in care homes (from March 2024)
- insights from the client level data (CLD) collection (from March 2024, published quarterly)
- estimates of digital social care record (DSCR) uptake (from April 2024, published quarterly)
- selected infection prevention control (IPC) measures in care homes at national, regional and local authority level (May 2021 to August 2022)
- staffing levels in care homes at national, regional and local authority level (May 2021 to August 2022)
- testing for COVID-19 in care homes at national, regional and local authority level (May 2021 to June 2023)
- personal protective equipment (PPE) availability in care homes and domiciliary care settings at national, regional and local authority level (June 2021 to August 2022)
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Latest report
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Updates to this page
Published 10 June 2021Last updated 5 December 2024 + show all updates
Added 'Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: December 2024'.
Added 'Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: November 2024'.
Added 'Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: October 2024'.
Added 'Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: September 2024'.
Added 'Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: August 2024'.
Added: 'Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: July 2024'.
Added: 'Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: June 2024'.
Added 'Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: May 2024'.
Added 'Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: April 2024'.
Added 'Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: March 2024'.
Added 'Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: February 2024'.
Added 'Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: January 2024'.
Added 'Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: December 2023'.
Added 'Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: November 2023'.
Added 'Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: October 2023'.
Added 'Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: September 2023'.
Added 'Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: August 2023'.
Added 'Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: July 2023'.
Added 'Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: June 2023'.
Added link to: Adult social care monthly statistics, England: May 2023. Also added to feedback paragraph to encourage user feedback.
Added latest report.
Added latest report. Also updated to reflect this publication’s 'official statistics' badging.
Added latest report.
Added latest report.
Added latest report.
Added latest report.
Added latest report.
Added latest report and new methodology document.
Added latest report.
Added latest report.
Added latest report.
Added latest report - for May 2022.
Added latest report.
Added latest report.
Added latest report.
Added 'Adult social care monthly statistics, England: January 2022' to latest reports.
Added 'Adult social care workforce survey: December 2021' to 'Latest reports'.
Added latest report.
Updated to reflect that the monthly bulletin now includes data on booster doses of COVID-19 vaccinations and flu vaccinations.
Added latest report.
Added latest report.
First published.