Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: July 2024
Official statistics on a range of topics including occupancy and infection control measures in adult social care settings.
Applies to England
Official statistics on adult social care in England. This publication consists of:
- a monthly report
- associated data tables
Data on adult social care settings covered in this publication includes:
- occupancy levels in care homes
- visiting in care homes
- COVID-19-related absence rates
- official statistics in development: insights from the client level data (CLD) collection on people receiving local authority provided or organised long-term support
- official statistics in development: estimates of digital social care record (DSCR) uptake
Updates to this page
Updated 'Adult social care in England, monthly statistics: July 2024' and ‘Estimated uptake of digital social care records - official statistics in development, July 2024: data tables’ to reflect the development of an improved methodology for calculating estimated DSCR uptake among ASC provider locations.
Updated long-term support and digital social care record data tables to include 'official statistics in development' labelling.
First published.