
Non-domestic rating: challenges and changes

Statistics on challenges and changes, including Check, Challenge, Appeal (CCA)

Statistics on:

  • number of Checks and Challenges made by ratepayers (or their representatives) against the 2023 local rating lists for England and Wales
  • number of Checks and Challenges made by ratepayers (or their representatives) against the 2017 local rating lists for England
  • number of non-CCA challenges made by taxpayers (or their representatives) against the 2017 local rating lists for Wales
  • number of reviews of rating assessments that have either been initiated by the VOA or a billing authority when new information becomes available. Tables on assessment reviews were removed from our August 2024 release onwards, see note in the details section of the landing page for further information.

These statistics do not include the number of appeals registered under the Check, Challenge, Appeal (CCA) system because these are the responsibility of the independent Valuation Tribunal Service (VTS) in England and Valuation Tribunal for Wales (VTW) in Wales, both of which publish their latest statistics on their respective websites. However, these statistics do include the outcome, changes to the list made by VOA as a result of appeals.

Previous releases

For information on statistics from 2009 - 2014, please see the previous releases page.

Contact us

The VOA statistics team














Updates to this page

Published 7 December 2017
Last updated 6 February 2025 + show all updates
  1. New statistical release added.

  2. New statistical release added: October 2024.

  3. 'Non-domestic rating: challenges and changes, 2017 and 2023 rating lists, June 2024' has been added to the collection.

  4. Document added to 2024 collection.

  5. We have added 'Non-domestic rating: challenges and changes, 2017 and 2023 rating lists, December 2023' to the collection.

  6. 'Non-domestic rating: 2010 Local Rating List, challenges and changes, England and Wales June 2017' has been added to the collection.

  7. The statistical release for September 2023 has been added to the collection.

  8. Statistical commentary for 'Non-domestic rating: challenges and changes, 2017 and 2023 rating lists, June 2023' has been published.

  9. A mock up page of 'Non-domestic rating: challenges and changes, 2017 and 2023 rating lists, June 2023' has been added.

  10. Updated content and added 'Non-domestic rating: challenges and changes, 2017 rating list, March 2023'.

  11. Non-domestic rating: challenges and changes, 2017 rating list, December 2022 added to the 2023 section as that is when it was published.

  12. Non-domestic rating: challenges and changes, 2017 rating list, December 2022

  13. Non-domestic rating: challenges and changes, 2017 rating list, September 2022 was added

  14. Non-domestic rating: challenges and changes, 2017 and 2010 rating lists, June 2022 has been added to the collection.

  15. Non-domestic rating: challenges and changes, 2017 and 2010 rating lists, March 2022 has been added to this collection.

  16. Non-domestic rating: challenges and changes, 2017 and 2010 rating lists, December 2021 has been added to this collection.

  17. Non-domestic rating: challenges and changes, 2017 and 2010 rating lists, September 2021 has been added to this collection.

  18. Non-domestic rating: challenges and changes, 2017 and 2010 rating lists, June 2021 has been added to this collection.

  19. 'Non-domestic rating: challenges and changes, 2017 and 2010 rating lists, March 2021' has been added to this collection.

  20. 'Non-domestic rating: challenges and changes, 2017 and 2010 rating lists, December 2020' has been added to this collection.

  21. 'Non-domestic rating: challenges and changes, 2017 and 2010 rating lists, September 2020' has been added to this collection.

  22. June release added.

  23. 'Non-domestic rating: Challenges and changes, 2017 and 2010 rating lists, March 2020' has been added to this collection.

  24. 'Non-domestic rating: challenges and changes, 2017 and 2010 rating lists, December 2019 (experimental)' has been added to this collection.

  25. 'Non-domestic rating: challenges and changes, 2017 and 2010 rating lists, June 2019 (experimental)' has been added to this collection.

  26. 'Non-domestic rating: challenges and changes, 2017 and 2010 rating lists, March 2019 (experimental)' has been added to this collection.

  27. 'Non-domestic rating: challenges and changes, 2017 and 2010 rating lists, December 2018 (experimental)' has been added to this collection.

  28. 'Non-domestic rating: challenges and changes, 2017 and 2010 rating lists, December 2018 (experimental)' has been added to this collection.

  29. 'Non-domestic rating: challenges and changes, 2017 and 2010 rating lists, September 2018 (experimental)' has been added.

  30. "Non-domestic rating: challenges and changes, 2017 and 2010 rating lists, June 2018 (experimental)" added to collection

  31. 'Non-domestic rating: challenges and changes, 2017 and 2010 rating lists, March 2018 (experimental)' has been added to this collection.

  32. A line of text regarding ratepayers appealing to VTE has been added to this collection, above previous releases.

  33. 'Non-domestic rating: challenges and changes, 2017 and 2010 rating lists, December 2017 (experimental)' has been added to this collection.

  34. First published.