Ordinary residence: resolving disputes in health and social care
How DHSC resolves disputes in health and social care when 2 or more local authorities cannot agree responsibility for meeting a person's eligible needs.
Ordinary residence determinations contain an insight into how the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care resolves disputes. This is done by a process of fact-finding from the information provided by the local authorities to the dispute for the Secretary of State’s consideration.
These anonymised determinations are also published to help local authorities make decisions about future cases. They are not a substitute for the ordinary residence guidance and directions, or legal advice where necessary.
Individual ordinary residence determinations are not published by the Department of Health and Social Care and are only sent to the parties involved in the dispute. This is because determination documents hold personal details of service users and third parties.
The anonymised ordinary residence determinations are for health and social care sectors such as local authorities and their legal teams as well as the general public.
Chapter 19 and Annex H of the Care Act 2014 guidance titled ‘Ordinary Residence’, provides information and advice on determining ordinary residence for people requiring local community care services from 1 April 2015.
Chapter 21 provides information and advice on cross-border placements.
Related regulations
For further information, please see the following regulations:
The Care and Support (Disputes Between Local Authorities) Regulations 2014
The Care and Support (Ordinary Residence) (Specified Accommodation) Regulations 2014
Ordinary residence guidance
Ordinary residence determinations
Updates to this page
Added 'Ordinary residence: anonymised determinations 2018' to 'Ordinary residence determinations' group.
Added 'Ordinary residence: anonymised determinations 2017' to 'Ordinary residence determinations' group.
Added 'Ordinary residence: anonymised determinations 2016'.
Page created for 2015 ordinary residence determinations.
First published.