Public Services Network (PSN) technical interoperability documents and obligations for network services
These documents place technical interoperability obligations on the three kinds of PSN network service: GCNSPs, DNSPs and other PSN networks. The obligations create the effect of a single network by defining what happens at the interfaces between different suppliers' networks, and by setting out common classes of service, and some baseline expectations for performance and availability. These documents are part of the November 2015 release of the PSN obligations.
These obligations come into force immediately.
The main change in this release of the PSN technical interoperability documents are that the documents are much shorter and clearer than the documents they replace (the PSN Technical Domain Description and GCN Service Description). There are also some specific changes that support existing and emerging user needs. We’ve:
- clarified the availability requirements - availability requirements apply to the GCNSP as a whole and each DNSP
- detailed what network performance reporting is required for GCNSPs and DNSPs
- clarified the definition of the PSN DiffServ region, to include GCNSPs, DNSPs and all other PSN network services
- included definitions for the PSN shared services VPN, PSN Assured and Protected, and for a non-connected PSN network service
- added new obligations for all organisations who set aside IP addresses for use on PSN
- removed support for MPLS option B