Sub-national road transport consumption data
Road transport energy consumption in the UK at regional and local authority level.
This page contains UK sub-national (regional and local authority) level statistics showing fuel consumption by road vehicles.
The estimates are based upon vehicles travelling within each local authority area rather than being specific to residents of the local authority.
These get combined with estimates of the subnational consumption of electricity, gas and other fuels to produce statistics showing total energy consumption for regions and local authorities in the UK.
A methodology summary is available for each annual statistics release on the relevant local authority data page listed here.
Historical releases of the data are available on request from DESNZ:
Local authority data
Related methodology and information
Sub-national road transport fuel consumption factsheet (2012 data only – factsheet no longer updated)
Updates to this page
UK road transport energy consumption at regional and local authority level, 2005 to 2022 added.
Added UK road transport energy consumption at regional and local authority level, 2005 to 2021.
Updated to provide links to related statistics.
UK road transport energy consumption at regional and local authority level, 2005 to 2020 added.
Road transport energy consumption at regional and local authority level, 2005-2019 added.
Road transport energy consumption at regional and local authority level data updated, along with the methodology guidance.
Page updated.
First published.