Searching our registers of attorneys, deputies and guardians
Find out about the information we have on our registers and how to ask us for it
This page is also available in Welsh (Cymraeg).
Find out if someone has a registered attorney or deputy
Use form OPG100 to ask us to search:
- the register of lasting powers of attorney (LPA)
- the register of enduring powers of attorney (EPA)
- the register of deputyship court orders
Find out if a missing person has a guardian
Use form GS4 to ask us to search:
- the register of guardianship orders
What we hold on the Office of the Public Guardian registers: policy documents
This guidance tells you our policies on:
- what information is on the registers
- how we handle requests for information on the registers
- how we handle requests for information not held on the registers
Updates to this page
Add topic 'Missing persons'
We have added a new form to request a search of the Public Guardian register of guardianship orders. We have also published a new practice note giving information about what we hold on the register of guardianship orders.
First published.