Request a search of the OPG registers
Use the forms on this page to find out if someone has an attorney, deputy or guardian acting for them.
Applies to England and Wales
Find out if someone has a registered attorney or deputy
Use this form (OPG100) to find out if someone has a lasting power of attorney (LPA), an enduring power of attorney (EPA) or a court-appointed deputy acting on their behalf. You can also use it to ask us for additional information that might be separate to the registers.
Find out if someone has a guardian acting for them
Use this form (GS4) to find out if the High Court has appointed a guardian to look after the financial affairs of someone who:
- is missing
- is in prison abroad and cannot communicate
- has been taken hostage or kidnapped
You can also use the same form to ask us for additional information about a guardianship order.
Alternative formats
You can download the form in large print from this page or email to get the document in large print or braille.
Urgent enquiries
To search the register urgently, local authorities, police and NHS staff should raise an enquiry to check if someone has an attorney or deputy.
Personal information
The Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) is committed to the responsible handling and security of your personal information.
Your privacy is important to us and protected in law by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA).
Updates to this page
The form used to search the register for guardianships has been added to this page.
- removed the reference on the page to us providing the form in braille and audio - make both Welsh and English PDFs fully accessible - add large print versions of both English and Welsh PDFs - added reference to other versions of register searches (safeguarding and COVID)
Added translation
Added translation
New OPG100 form added.
Added 'Personal information' section.
Replaced application form for search of register - the section on reporting concerns has been removed.
Replaced OPG100 application form so users can email directly from the form
First published.