A collection of SmarterGov articles, showcasing how government is driving innovation, savings and public service improvement across the public sector.
SmarterGov is all about creating a smarter government – one that is fit for the future and ready to meet the ever-changing demands and expectations of our citizens. Through new ways of working and the power of technology and data, we are driving change to create a #SmarterGov.
For more information, read John Manzoni’s speech on Civil Service transformation.
This page contains a collection of articles, policy papers, news stories and press releases around SmarterGov.
Improvement to public services
Smarter spending
Updates to this page
Addition of Cross-government fraud landscape annual report 2019.
Added 'Free satellite data available to help tackle public sector challenges' to the collection.
Updated collection documents.
Added page to 'Improvement to public services'.
Added speech to Innovation section.
Added 'State of the Estate' report and 'Cross-government fraud landscape annual report 2018'.
Added article to 'Smarter spending'.
Added article to 'Innovation' section.
Added article to 'Innovation'.
Added article to 'Smarter spending' section.
First published.