
Statistics: children's social work workforce

Annual statistics on children and family social workers including agency children and family social workers in England.

Children’s social work workforce statistics are now available on the statistics platform Explore Education Statistics(EES).

Statutory census-based return

Voluntary survey-based return

Updates to this page

Published 27 March 2013
Last updated 29 February 2024 + show all updates
  1. Added 'Children's social work workforce 2023'.

  2. Added 'Children's social work workforce 2022' under 'Statutory collection'.

  3. Added Children's social work workforce 2021 and updated introduction with link to Explore Education Statistics (EES).

  4. Added 'Children's social work workforce 2020' to the collection.

  5. Added 'Children's social work workforce 2019'.

  6. Added document 'Children's social work workforce 2018' under 'Statutory collection'.

  7. Clarified that data returned in the years 2011 and 2012 was based on a survey completed on a voluntary basis, and therefore is not comparable with figures produced by the statutory collection that began in 2013.

  8. Added 'Children's social work workforce 2017'.

  9. Added 'Children's social work workforce 2016' to the collection.

  10. Added 'Children's social work workforce 2015'.

  11. Added children’s social work workforce return form and guidance.

  12. Added 'Local authority children's social work workforce, England' to collection.

  13. First published.