
The Central Rating List

The central rating lists contain the rating assessments of the network property of major transport, utility and telecommunications undertakings and cross-country pipelines.

The central rating lists contain rating assessments of national transport, utility and telecommunications undertakings and cross-country pipelines.

There is a single entry in the rating list for each company named in The Central Rating List Regulations 2005. There are separate Regulations and lists for England and Wales.

The Central List comprises a single aggregate rateable value shown for all the property occupied by the named company that falls within their definition in the Regulations.

The Central Rating List contains properties like:

  • electricity, gas, and water supply networks
  • cross country pipelines
  • railways
  • telecommunications networks

Any property occupied by a central list ratepayer that falls outside the definition is shown individually in a local rating list.

Most other properties are shown in local rating lists. There is a different process for checking or challenging these properties.

Find out more about the check and challenge service for a local rating list property.

Rates on central rating list hereditaments in England are paid direct to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.  In Wales the rates on central list hereditaments are paid to the Welsh Government. The lists show the rateable values currently in force for each ratepayer.

Check or challenge a central rating list entry

England and Wales

You first need to register for the service and request a check. You can then challenge a valuation.

Business rates appeals are handled differently in Scotland and Northern Ireland.


Updates to this page

Published 21 September 2016
Last updated 16 January 2025 show all updates
  1. Reviewed and updated process guidance.

  2. The Central Rating List - 2023 was added

  3. The draft central rating list - 2023 was added

  4. Clarity on which properties are in the Central Rating List and a link to more information for properties in the local rating lists.

  5. A form 'Check and challenge your central rating list business rates valuation - register to use the service.' has been added to this page.

  6. 'The central rating list - 2017' has been added.

  7. 'The central rating list - 2017' has been added.

  8. First published.