The central rating list - 2017
The central rating lists contain the rating assessments of the network property of major transport, utility and telecommunications undertakings and cross-country pipelines.
There is a single entry in the rating list for each company named in The Central Rating List Regulations 2005. There are separate Regulations and lists for England and Wales.
There is a single aggregate rateable value shown for all the property occupied by the named ratepayer that falls within their definition in the Regulations. Any property occupied by a central list ratepayer that falls outside the definition will be shown individually in a local rating list.
Rates on central rating list hereditaments in England are paid direct to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, and in Wales to the Welsh Government. The lists show the rateable values currently in force for each ratepayer.
Updates to this page
The attachments have been updated.
The following documents have been updated: Central rating list - England CRL - superseded pages 2017 (England) Central rating list - England
Documents have been updated: Central rating list - England CRL - superseded pages 2017 (England) Central rating list - Wales CRL - superseded pages 2017 (Wales)
All of the attachments have been updated.
The attachments for the central rating list 2017 have been updated.
The central rating lists for England have been updated.
The PDF and Excel central rating list documents for England and Wales has been updated.
Updated Central Rating List for England (.pdf) Updated Central Rating List for England (.xls) Updated CRL - Superseded Pages England
The documents have been updated.
The central rating lists have been updated inline with the new check and challenge service and the 2017 rating list.
English central rating list 2017 updated
The four Central Rating List documents have been updated.
The central rating list documents have been updated.
The central rating lists for England 2017 have been updated.
The two 'Central rating list - England' documents have been updated.
First published.