
Transforming Public Procurement

How public procurement will change to improve the way supplies, services and works are procured for the public sector.

The Transforming Public Procurement programme aims to improve the way public procurement is regulated in order to:

  • create a simpler and more flexible, commercial system that better meets our country’s needs while remaining compliant with our international obligations
  • open up public procurement to new entrants such as small businesses and social enterprises so that they can compete for and win more public contracts
  • embed transparency throughout the commercial lifecycle so that the spending of taxpayers’ money can be properly scrutinised.

The Procurement Act 2023 came into force on 24 February 2025. You can view the new Procurement Act on the UK legislation website, and the official record of the Bill’s progress through Parliament, with all supporting documents on the Parliamentary website.

This page explains what the new procurement regime will mean, provides more detail about the learning and development programme that is supporting its introduction, as well as further guidance for both contracting authorities and suppliers.

Read our short factsheets and watch our videos and animations which outline the key benefits of the new Procurement Act. You can also read a summary of the proposed provisions contained within the Act.

If you are a supplier you can find dedicated supplier information. We will continue to add more information and guidance so please do check back for further updates.

News and information

Check here for regular updates.

The Procurement Bill, which will reform the existing Procurement Rules, received Royal Assent in October 2023.

The Procurement Regulations 2024 have also now been debated and approved in both Houses and have now been signed. This statutory instrument (SI), a form of secondary legislation, is available to view

On 12 September 2024 a Written Ministerial Statement was published in Parliament announcing that the new regime will go live on 24 February 2025, a short delay of four months from the previous go-live date of 28 October 2024.

Existing legislation will continue to apply to procurements started under the old rules.

A new National Procurement Policy Statement (NPPS) was laid in Parliament on 13 February 2025. It will come into force alongside the new Procurement Act. You can read the statement

We have launched official training products to support the introduction of the new Procurement Act Transforming Public Procurement Knowledge Drops are designed to provide a high level overview of the changes to the procurement regulations and are aimed at those who have regular interactions with procurement as well as suppliers including SMEs and VCSEs.

We have also launched the official Procurement Act 2023 e-learning modules -  the key learning product to support practitioners in implementing the new regime. The modules are aimed at all operational procurement staff - this includes staff whose main role is to run tenders or let contracts, or procurement / commercial professionals whose main role is to manage suppliers or contracts.

To receive regular updates and alerts when guidance material is published, you can join our mailing list.

Guidance and Support

To support preparation for the Procurement Act 2023 we have published a suite of guidance documents addressing all aspects of the new regime, covering subjects from transitional arrangements and covered procurement through to pre-market engagement, award rules, exclusions and contract modifications. View the guidance page.

Our document ‘Our Innovation Ambition’ sets out how the new regime will enable contracting authorities to embrace innovation more, and procure in more flexible and innovative ways.

Our planning and preparation checklist outlines initial actions in four key areas - policies and processes, systems, people, and transition - where early consideration will help contracting authorities get in the best shape to hit the ground running when the new rules come into force.

Our document ‘Benefits for Prospective Suppliers to the Public Sector’ sets out how the new regime will deliver a range of benefits for suppliers of all sizes wishing to do business and deliver contracts for the public sector.

For more information and to receive regular updates, you can join our mailing list.

Learning and development

There is a learning and development programme to support those operating within the new regime, available free at the point of delivery. This is complemented by traditional published and online guidance.

Our official Learning & Development Brochure outlines the comprehensive, centrally-funded learning and development package for contracting authorities being provided by the Cabinet Office.  This will help you decide which of the learning and development options are most suitable for you and your team’s needs and what actions you need to take in the coming months to plan your training programme to ensure you don’t miss out on the benefits and flexibilities of the new regime. We encourage you to share with colleagues and teams across your organisation.

Our aim is to provide a suite of dedicated learning approaches covering the range of requirements from those who only need an overview of the changes through to more detailed and specific instruction on the new regime for practitioners in Contracting Authorities and finally intensive learning focussed on the behavioural and cultural changes required. The package will comprise:

Knowledge drops: a range of short broadcast presentations (available on demand) providing a high-level overview of the changes to the procurement regulations. These will be aimed at non commercial leaders and others - including suppliers - needing a general level of awareness of the new rules.

Self-guided e-learning: expected to comprise 10 x 1 hour modules, for all commercial staff in Contracting Authorities to gain a comprehensive grounding of knowledge and understanding of each element of the new regime, and culminating in the award of a Practitioner Certificate.

Deep dive webinars: a three-day intensive course for a smaller group who will have completed the e-learning modules - those advanced commercial practitioners who need to become experts in operating within the new regime. It will comprise interactive virtual webinars in small cohorts which will allow learners to engage with subject matter experts. This element of the package is designed to provide learners with a deeper level of understanding on the application of the legislative change, build confidence and develop skills to support capability uplift, so that they can act as champions and super-users within their own organisations.

The formal learning and development are supported by Communities of Practice where practitioners can support each other - sharing, discussing and reflecting on best practice, challenges, and opportunities within the new regime.


Updates to this page

Published 29 April 2022
Last updated 24 February 2025
  1. Updated the text in the following sections: Details News and Information Guidance and Support Learning and Development

  2. Updated the news section to include the announcement of a new National Procurement Policy Statement

  3. Updated to include a link to a new page: Information and guidance for suppliers

  4. Removed text regarding a survey that has now closed.

  5. Updated the News and Information section

  6. Updated the 'News and information' section

  7. Updated the News section

  8. Added a link to the page: Raising standards: our ambition

  9. Updated the news and information section.

  10. Updated the News and information section Added the following page link: The Official Procurement Act 2023 e-Learning

  11. Updated the News and guidance sections

  12. Updated the News and information section

  13. Added a new section related to the knowledge drops.

  14. Added a link to the page: Transforming Public Procurement: Our Innovation Ambition

  15. Updated to include links to the page: Part 2 Consultation on draft regulations to implement the Procurement Bill

  16. Added a link to the consultation: Part 1 Consultation on draft regulations to implement the Procurement Bill

  17. Under 'News and information' third paragraph, the go-live date changed from 2023 to "...early 2024 at the earliest". A more recent video webinar (January 2023) replaces link to webinar from July 2022.

  18. Added a link to the document 'Benefits for Prospective Suppliers to the Public Sector'

  19. Updated to include links to: Transforming Public Procurement - planning and preparation checklist Update on the official learning and development offer for contracting authorities

  20. Added a link to the mailing list.

  21. Added a link to the Transforming Public Procurement - Our Transparency Ambition page.

  22. The learning and development section has been updated to provide more detail on the learning and development support which will be available.

  23. Added webinar recording of 'Transforming Public Procurement update: June 2022.' Added link to a summary of the proposed provisions within the Procurement Bill.

  24. First published.