Tribunals statistics
Tribunals statistics
Tribunal statistics quarterly
The figures in tribunals statistics quarterly are the official statistics for a given period. They are based on information extracted and quality assured by HMCTS prior to publication. It is the current policy with this publication to revise figures on an annual bases, for the end of financial year figures published in June.
As such figures presented in tribunals statistics quarterly may not always match data released as management information which are based on the best information at the time of release and do not follow the same revisions policy.
Employment Tribunal and Employment Appeal Tribunal statistics (GB)
Social Security and Child Support statistics
Guide to Civil and Administrative Justice Statistics
Tribunal Ad-hoc Statistics
Updates to this page
First published.
We have updated the collection page to inform users of the consultation to change the name of the quarterly publication.
New statistics for July to September 2015 added
Tribunals and gender recognition certificate statistics for January to March 2015 published.
Tribunal and gender recognition statistics quarterly: October to December 2014
Tribunal statistics quarterly: April to June 2014 published
Added 'Guide to Court and Administrative Justice Statistics'