UK NSC processes and principles
Processes and principles used by the UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC)
The documents in this collection set out the UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC) processes, principles and guidance for reviewing evidence related to population, targeted and stratified screening.
See the UK NSC About Us page for the committee’s terms of reference and the definitions it uses for population, targeted and stratified screening.
Updates to this page
Addition to collection of 'UK NSC previous annual call submissions', 'UK NSC FMCH terms of reference' and 'UK NSC Adult Reference Group terms of reference'
Addition of declaration of interest guidance to collection
Addition of 'UK NSC RMG: submitting research requests' publication to collection
Addition to collection of UK National Screening Committee: information development guidance
UK NSC: the role of patient and public voice members added to document collection.
Addition to collection of UK NSC code of practice and ethical framework
First published.