UK NSC code of practice
Code of practice for the UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC).
The remit of the UK National Screening Committee has expanded. An update to this information is pending.
This code of practice gives information on:
- the status, role, responsibility and procedures of the UK NSC
- terms of appointment of members of the committee
- the roles and responsibilities of the members of the committee and other attendees
- how the committee develops its recommendations
It is based on the Government Office for Science Code of Practice for Scientific Advisory Committees and the principles of scientific advice to government.
Updates to this page
Roles of officials, observers and technical experts updated.
Links added to UK NSC patient and public voice role guidance. Declaration of interests form moved to UK NSC register of interests page.
Addition of pending update message to page.
The UK NSC’s code of practice has been updated to reflect the new arrangements for appointing an independent Chair.
First published.