
UK territorial greenhouse gas emissions statistics

Final and provisional estimates of UK territorial greenhouse gas emissions from 1990.

This page contains the latest estimates of UK territorial greenhouse gas emissions (emissions that occur within the UK’s borders).

Final estimates of UK greenhouse gas emissions are published annually, covering emissions data from 2 years prior. The final estimates are presented by source in February each year, then updated in March to include uncertainties and estimates with energy supply emissions on an end-user basis, and again in June to include estimates by Standard Industrial Classification (SIC). These statistics are used to monitor progress against the UK’s emissions reductions targets.

Provisional greenhouse gas emission estimates are also published annually in March, covering emissions data from the previous calendar year. The provisional estimates are presented by source, and are based on provisional inland energy consumption statistics, which are published in our quarterly Energy Trends publication.

The provisional greenhouse gas emissions estimates do not provide as detailed information about the sources of emissions in the UK as the final estimates. However, the provisional statistics publication provides quarterly emissions estimates, as well as estimates on a temperature adjusted basis, which are not included in the final statistics publication.

Estimates of emissions in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (known as the devolved administration greenhouse gas inventories) are published each June on the National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (NAEI) website, with a precise date announced on the NAEI website in advance.

Projections of UK territorial greenhouse gas emissions are available from the energy and emissions projections pages.

You can access past editions of both the final and provisional statistics below or via The National Archives.

The UK greenhouse gas emissions statistics page brings together all available statistics publications on UK greenhouse gas emissions.

Please check our supplementary technical reports for more information about these statistics and answers to frequently asked questions about them.

Alternatively, email if you have any questions or comments about the information on this page.

UK territorial greenhouse gas emissions statistics

Updates to this page

Published 11 February 2015
Last updated 27 March 2025 show all updates
  1. Provisional UK greenhouse gas emissions statistics 2024 added.

  2. Final UK greenhouse gas emissions statistics: 1990 to 2023 has been added.

  3. Methodology document updated with changes planned for 2025 statistics.

  4. First published.