User requested statistics and datasets and ad-hoc statistics releases
This collection brings together the Insolvency Service's statistics and datasets requested by users, along with ad-hoc statistics releases.
The statistics team at the Insolvency Service use this page to publish occasional ad-hoc statistics, as well as responses to user requests that are not covered in the regular official and national statistics releases. However, responses to Freedom of Information requests are published separately, for example at Insolvency Service FOI responses: October to December 2021.
Statistical enquiries can be sent to
Freedom of Information requests can be made to
Updates to this page
Data tables added with individual voluntary arrangement (IVA) terminations by date and by debtor age and gender England Wales 2014 to 30 September 2024
Addition of record-level data for England Wales and Scotland - Company Insolvency Statistics January 2012 to April 2024
Added dataset for S6 director disqualification outcomes in Scotland
Added dataset on IVA termination rates by location
Added ad-hoc management information release on levels of statutory fee recovery in bankruptcy and compulsory liquidation cases
Added ad-hoc release relating to numbers on enforcement activity presented at the Insolvency Live conference.
Ad-hoc statistics on debt relief orders following the change to eligibility criteria have been added.
Added response to user request on Company Insolvencies in the Construction of Residential and Non-Residential Buildings Industry Groupings.
Addition of new user requested statistics on Individual voluntary arrangement outcomes
Addition of new user requested statistics for company insolvencies
Added Debt Relief Orders Refused Following Submission data tables
Added 2 new datasets on IVA termination rates and median debt in bankruptcies and DROs.
Addition of three new ad hoc statistics
Add 3 new publications to the collection
Addition of new ad-hoc statistics on insolvency in electric power generation, transmission and distribution industry grouping
Addition of new user requested data on estimated levels of DRO debt.
Added new document to collection
Added latest document to the collection, Individual Insolvencies by Ward, England and Wales, 2018
First published.