Consultation outcome

Abortion clinic safe access zones: non-statutory guidance

This consultation was withdrawn on

This consultation is no longer applicable. The government will not be publishing non-statutory guidance, as enforcing the law is a matter for the police.

This consultation has concluded

Detail of outcome

Original consultation


We are seeking views on the clarity and content of draft non-statutory guidance for abortion clinic Safe Access Zones.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

During the passage of the Public Order Act 2023, Parliament voted to introduce legislation to prohibit certain activities within 150 metres of an abortion clinic or a hospital that provides abortion services (“Safe Access Zones”). The debates during the passage of the legislation showed that many people have firmly held - but opposing - views about the merits of curtailing the right to protest in order to enable women to freely access abortion services.

This is new legislation and determining the appropriate balance between competing interests will not always be straightforward. Therefore, the Home Office has produced draft non-statutory guidance to support the introduction of Safe Access Zones. 

This guidance is designed to ensure that abortion service providers and everyone within Safe Access Zones are clear as to what is expected under the new law and that law enforcement agencies have a clear and consistent understanding around the enforcement of Safe Access Zones.

It is underpinned by the following key principles:

  • it is unacceptable for anyone to be harassed or distressed simply for exercising their legal right to access abortion services
  • the rights to gather, to express views and to manifest religious beliefs are a cornerstone of democracy in Britain. People should be free to gather and express their views, however uncomfortable they are to others, providing they do so within the law

This consultation seeks to ensure that we get the balance right in implementing Safe Access Zones. We are seeking views on the clarity and content of the non-statutory guidance and if it reflects what is contained within the Public Order Act 2023.

This consultation will be open for 6 weeks, closing on Monday 22 January 2024 at 11:59pm. You can reply via the online form or by emailing

This consultation is aimed at:

  • abortion service providers and health professionals
  • pro-life organisations and supporters
  • pro-choice organisations and supporters
  • current and former service users
  • local Authorities in England and Wales
  • police Forces and Police and Crime Commissioners in England and Wales
  • local residents of abortion clinics and hospitals
  • any other interested organisations or members of the public


Updates to this page

Published 11 December 2023
Last updated 25 November 2024 show all updates
  1. Page withdrawn.

  2. Updated to inform users that the government will not be publishing non-statutory guidance on enforcement.

  3. Added note explaining that due to a technical error, all responses submitted through the web form before 10:00 on 12/12/23 cannot be considered. Please can any individuals who submitted a response before this time resubmit their response.

  4. Accessible version added.

  5. First published.

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