Using advanced driver assistance systems and automated vehicle technologies
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Government response to a consultation on proposals to facilitate advanced driver assistance systems and automated vehicle technologies.
In July 2016 the Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles consulted on proposals relating to:
- the government’s approach to regulatory reform with regard to new advanced driver assistance systems and automated vehicle technologies
- creating a compulsory motor insurance framework fit for the arrival of automated vehicles
- amending the regulatory framework for driving, including the Highway Code and construction and use regulations to facilitate the arrival of near to market advanced driver assistance systems
This consultation response outlines the government’s response to feedback from business and the public across the UK and, and along with the associated impact assessment, details the government’s next steps for each of the proposals on which we consulted.
Original consultation
Consultation description
Consultation seeking views on proposals for people and businesses in the UK to use:
- automated vehicle technologies
- advanced driver assistance systems
For automated vehicles, we propose making amendments to primary legislation to ensure insurance products will be available for arrival.
For advanced driver assistance systems we are seeking views on how to:
- clarify provisions for the construction and use of near to market systems through changes to regulations
- provide guidance in the Highway Code for drivers about safe and appropriate use