Consultation outcome

Cadet Training & Modernisation Programme Syllabus Review – Seventh Group of Consultation Templates

This consultation has concluded

Read the full outcome

12. Deck - Marine Passage Planning

Detail of outcome

Please see above the consultation final outcome report on the Cadet Training & Modernisation Programme Syllabus Review – Seventh Group of Consultation Templates. An annex containing a summary of industry feedback and Sub-Group 1.2’s actions as a result.

The finalised module templates can also be found attached with changes made as a result of the industry consultation highlighted in yellow on PDF versions and in bold on HTML versions.

Complete feedback to individual responses can be found in the public feedback section of this page.

Feedback received

Responses to Consultation Feedback

Detail of feedback received

Please see above the Sub-Group 1.2 responses to the industry feedback that required a response for the Cadet Training & Modernisation Programme Syllabus Review – Seventh Group of Consultation Templates. Please note that this represents all written feedback, however, more responses were received with no written feedback which, therefore, did not require a response.

Original consultation


The Cadet Training and Modernisation (CT&M) Programme is coordinated by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) and draws upon input from around the maritime industry to deliver the recommendations detailed in the June 2021 Seafarer Cadet Review Report. An essential element of this programme has been to perform a review of the syllabuses for Deck, Engine and Electro-Technical Cadets. The essential next step of this review process is to seek the views of the wider maritime industry through a consultation, and we are requesting your feedback.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

How You Can Get Involved

We are now at the stage where we need your help. It is essential that we receive your thoughts on what you feel should be added, removed, or amended in the Cadetship syllabuses to ensure that training is relevant, future proof and meets industry needs. Your specialist feedback is an essential part of this process. We appreciate that completing these surveys will take an investment of your time, for which we thank you. We suggest prioritising completion of the surveys for which you have subject matter expertise to make best use of your time. However, rest assured that all feedback received will be taken into consideration.

This group of updated syllabus modules will be open for consultation between the 17 April 2023 until 15 May 2023. The modules can be found below in PDF and HTML format, along with the survey links.

Further modules will be released for consultation every two weeks until all modules have been shared and consulted upon. We estimate the feedback stage to be completed by 12 June 2023. Upon completion, the collated feedback will be finalised and written into academic modules to bring about the necessary changes to Cadet training.

We ask that you are as constructive as possible in your feedback to allow us to implement the changes to the Cadet training syllabus and we actively encourage you to share this with anyone else who you feel may be interested. You will be notified that your feedback has been received upon completion of the survey. Sub-Group 1.2 will then review your feedback and provide further communications detailing whether and how we will be using your feedback.


The CT&M Programme is now in its second year of delivery​, with approximately 47 people, across 30 organisations, dedicating hundreds of hours of their time and expertise to support the programme.​

The programme has been recognised by the Public Sector Awards, in October 2022, as an exemplar transformational programme model which has brought together multiple sectors of the maritime industry to modernise and update seafarer training and education.

Three main Consultation Groups and four Sub-Groups have been formed to deliver the Maritime Skills Commission’s recommendations.

Through the programme, we have increased SMarT Funding for Cadets to an impressive 50% and published the accompanying MIN 678. A special thanks goes to the CT&M Programme Consultation Group 2 and Sub-Group 2.1, who were responsible for reviewing and developing this new funding option.

Meanwhile, Consultation Group 1 and, specifically, Sub-Group 1.2 have been working tirelessly to modernise the content and delivery of training for new seafarers coming into the industry, reviewing the full range of Cadet training programmes to ensure newly trained seafarers are equipped with the skills to secure employment in a global industry.

If you have any queries, please contact:

Please do not miss this opportunity to have your say as your input will influence seafarer training for the future, ensuring the UK training regime remains one of the best in the world.


12. Deck - Marine Passage Planning

Updates to this page

Published 17 April 2023
Last updated 18 July 2023 show all updates
  1. Feedback and finalised templates published.

  2. First published.

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