Changes to the Adoption and Children (Coronavirus) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2020
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
We received 212 responses to the consultation.
We consulted on proposals to maintain flexibilities on the timing of medical reports in the foster carer and adopter assessment processes, the use of virtual visits, and the continued suspension of the regular cycle of Ofsted inspections of children’s services providers. The majority of responses supported these proposals.
We also sought views on two new proposals in relation to adoption: to allow medical reports to be completed by other qualified medical professionals and to remove the requirement for a full medical examination. While a majority agreed with the first proposal, there were a greater number who disagreed with the second proposal, and concerns were raised in relation to safeguarding. This is an area on which the government places paramount importance and we therefore want to give this further reflection.
On the basis of the consultation responses, the government has decided to continue only with plans to extend the existing flexibilities on medical reports (for fostering and adoption), virtual visits and Ofsted inspection cycles, as set out in this document, and will not proceed with the 2 other proposals to amend adoption regulations.
The government is clear that these flexibilities will only remain in place for as long as they are needed and there currently are no plans to extend them beyond 30 September 2021.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The flexibilities introduced in the Adoption and Children (Coronavirus) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2020 lapse on 31 March 2021. We have always been clear that these regulations would remain in place only for as long as they were needed.
In view of ongoing unprecedented challenges faced by the sector, this consultation seeks views on:
- 2 options for the health assessment provision for fostering and adoption
- extending the virtual visits’ provisions for a further 6 months
- extending suspension of the regulation that details the minimum frequency of Ofsted inspections for all children’s social care providers for a further 6 months