Adoption, fostering and surrogacy
Becoming a foster carer, adopting a child from the UK or abroad, looking after someone else's child.
Your Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) and Leave - what you get, how to claim, maternity rights and extra help
Your Statutory Paternity Pay and Leave - eligibility, what you get, how to claim.
You can start Shared Parental Leave (SPL) and Statutory Shared Parental Pay (ShPP) if you're eligible and you or your partner ends your maternity or adoption leave early - eligibility, entitlement, starting SPL and splitting blocks of leave
The adoption process - eligibility, assessment, adoption agencies, adoption court orders, overseas adoptions and the rights of birth parents.
Foster carers look after children when their parents are not able to - becoming a foster carer, money and support available, fostering agencies, foster parents