Community safety partnerships review and antisocial behaviour powers
Applies to England and Wales
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
This is the government response to the public consultation on the community safety partnerships review and antisocial behaviour powers that ran from 27 March 2023 to 22 May 2023.
It provides a summary of the responses received on the four sections of the consultation.
It also sets out the proposals that are being acted upon based on responses to the consultation.
Original consultation
Consultation description
On 27 March 2023 the government launched the Anti-social behaviour Action Plan which focuses on making communities safer and sets out the government response to tackle antisocial behaviour robustly. This consultation forms part of the Anti-social behaviour Action Plan. In addressing community safety partnerships (CSPs), this consultation forms part one of the CSP review, which was announced in 2022 following the conclusion of part two of the police and crime commissioner (PCC) review.
The purpose of the consultation is to:
- seek views on the relationship between CSPs and PCCs, with the aim of enhancing the accountability model of CSPs
- consider how CSPs and PCCs work together to tackle antisocial behaviour, with the aim of strengthening this co-operative working.
This consultation considers the expansion of antisocial behaviour powers, and whether amendments are required to ensure they are being used effectively.
The consultation is targeted to those with experience working in or with CSPs, as well as those with interest in antisocial behaviour powers.
The consultation will run for 8 weeks.
A Welsh translation will be uploaded in due course.
Public polling
The Home Office commissioned Ipsos UK to conduct public polling to better understand the views of the public surrounding community safety. Further information can be found in the final report.
Updates to this page
Response to consultation document added.
Added Welsh version of the consultation.
Update to section "Proposals: Information sharing between CSPs and PCCs" to correct requirement for strategy group membership. Updated "About you" section to include Borough and Unitary CSPs.
First published.